Discover our vast collection of green tiles, perfect for implementing the feel of nature in your interiors. We offer a wide range of shades, whether you’re looking to add that soft, fresh touch using our light, mint green tiles, or creating an elegant and striking aesthetic using emerald green. Add depth and richness to your space, using our dark and bottle green shades, or take inspiration from our mediterranean inspired olive tiles. Discover the exact shade of your dreams here! Choose from gloss finishes for a polished, sleek look or opt for matt for that subtle, natural look. Shop now and elevate your space with versatile, timeless green!
Job Lot 5.65m²
20mm thick tile
20mm thick tile
Job Lot 5m²
N&C Building Products
Head and Registered Office
41-51 Freshwater Road, Romford, RM8 1SP
T +44 (0) 20 8586 4600
F +44 (0) 20 8586 4646
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N&C Building Products Limited is registered in England and Wales No 00000140
N&C Building Products Limited acts as a credit intermediary and not a lender, offering credit products provided exclusively by Klarna Financial Services UK Limited (company number 14290857).
N&C Building Products Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (firm reference number 785633).
Registered address: 41-51 Freshwater Road, Chadwell Heath, Romford, RM8 1SP. Credit subject to age and status.